Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Vintage bread tins and sourdough afternoon– Moldes de pan vintage y pan de masa madre

I have tried the sourdough method for the first time.. and it worked! look how puffy my loaves are! nearly ready for the oven.
I can believe that they are only made with flour, water and salt.. no added yeast here!
Estuve experimentando con masa madre.. y funciono! mis panes estan bien gorditos, casi listos para el horno!
No puedo creer que estan solo hechos de harina, agua y sal! sin levadura agregada!


Cristina, from Buenos Aires to Paris said...

Esos panes estan......para el pecado!! Con mantequita y un dulce tipico de England? OMG!!!!!

Casa Très Chic said...

Eu posso até sentir o perfume destes pães.
Concordo com Cristina, manteiga e geléia para fechar com chave de ouro.