Sunday, 18 September 2011

Happy Sunday?.. Feliz domingo..?

I don’t like Sundays..because they are ruined by the thought of going to work on Monday..
All I can think is of running away..
Photo by Stephanie Williams for Ruche
No me gustan los domingos porque se arruinan de solo pensar en ir al trabajo el Lunes..                                                                                      Lo unico que se me viene a la mente es escaparme??
But then I found this.. and they made me smile.. and I decided to have some toast supper and go to bed instead..
Pero me encontre con la foto de estas galletitas y me hizo sonrerir.. entonces decidi hacerme una tostada y un te, e irme  a la cama.
Photo: Sugar and charm blog

1 comment:

Cristina, from Buenos Aires to Paris said...

Las galletitas son divinas! En qué trabajas, Gaby?