Sunday, 18 September 2011

Happy Sunday?.. Feliz domingo..?

I don’t like Sundays..because they are ruined by the thought of going to work on Monday..
All I can think is of running away..
Photo by Stephanie Williams for Ruche
No me gustan los domingos porque se arruinan de solo pensar en ir al trabajo el Lunes..                                                                                      Lo unico que se me viene a la mente es escaparme??
But then I found this.. and they made me smile.. and I decided to have some toast supper and go to bed instead..
Pero me encontre con la foto de estas galletitas y me hizo sonrerir.. entonces decidi hacerme una tostada y un te, e irme  a la cama.
Photo: Sugar and charm blog

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Such a long time.. Hace bastante tiempo

Hi my friends it has been a while since my last post, and I have been busy..
Hola amigos han pasado varias semanas desde mi ultimo post, pero estuve ocupada..
Collecting berries for our winter supply of jam
Juntando moras para preparar la mermelada
Making little purchases, this is my lovely frozen charlotte, her name is Olga. She is only about 6 cm tall. If you don't know what a frozen charlotte is, please click here for a quick explanation
(Haciendo unas compritas, esta es mi bonita muñequita Olga.
Olguita es chiquitita, solo unos 6cm.                                                          Es una “frozen Charlotte”.                                                                           Para los que no lo saben, las frozen charlottes son una muñequitas antiguas (1850 a 1920) inspuradas en el personaje de un poema en el que la niña Charlotte, se nego a abrigarse antes de ir a pasear en su trineo, y murio congelada.!
And busy with my mystery Prince Rebelle
Y ocupada con mi prince Rebelle..
And deciding that I would love to have the hair like this lady in the Toast catalogue..(though I doubt it will happen as my hair is as straight as straight can be!)
Y tomando la desicion que me gustaria tener el pelo como esta señora en el catalogo de Toast.. aunque dudo que vaya a materializarse ya que mi cabello es super lacio..
