Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Urban X– Exploracion Urbana

A little while ago whilst travelling with my magic carpet on the net, I came across something that I think it is quite exiting!
Some people have as a hobby, this thing of getting into old derelict buildings, or places that are normally forbidden to the public and take photos…some wonderfull photos.
Some are scary..but the common denominator to all of them, is that they all want to tell you a story..
Have a look and explore the sites..
New Jersey State Hospital for the Insane – 2007
Rooftop of Saint Sulpice, Paris
Inside the church
All the photos above are from http://www.forbidden-places.net  not to be missed!
Chateau Clochard - France
Nother must urban exploration website: www.urban-travel.org
Hace un tiempito, mientras volaba en mi alfombra magica por la web, me encontre con algo bastante interesante!
Hay personas que tienen como hobby, explorar edificios abandonados o lugares donde no esta permitida la entrada al publico y tomar fotos… unas muy especiales.
Algunas dan un poco de miedito..pero todas tienen el comun denominador de querer contar una historia
Miren y exploren..

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