Thursday, 8 July 2010

A great Idea – Una gran Idea

Via the lovely blog from Pilo I have discovered the nicest things I have seen in a long time…”Wovenplay”

These are garments to play, dream and certainly treasure. Wovenplay itself defines them as “ sustainable couture for the everyday artist and adventurer” and it’s just divine.

Fabrics are tinted in natural or low impact dyes and the garments hand-finished.

They are based in Manhattan but the stock can be found in other parts of the world ( ..well they are just here for you.





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Via el divino blog the Pilo, he descubierto una de las cosas mas bonitas que  he visto en mucho tiempo… ”Wovenplay”

Estan son prendas para jugar, soñar y por cierto atesorar. Wovenplay las define como “costura sostenible para el artista y aventurero cotidiano”..y son divinas!

Las telas son teñidas o coloreadas con tinturas de bajo impacto y las prendas son terminadas a mano.

Estan ubicados en Manhattan pero se vende en otras partes del mundo tambien. ( se los presento aqui nomas..

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