Monday, 31 May 2010

For your inner queen – Para la reina que llevas adentro


Yesterday I went to see Sex and the City 2. These 2 films divide the world in 2 groups.. the ones that criticize it and say that they are stupid films (to say the least) + ( usually men or “certain” ladies).… this is because they take it too seriously..

But I am in group number 2! the one of the ladies that take it as it comes, as a modern day fairy tale, where the pink tulle fairy dress has been replaced by the latest Chanel and the wand by a beautiful Birkin..that’s all!

It was a lot of fun and even if you daily wear is a boring as mine..the movie will remind you that your inner queen is still alive…


Photo: Hotel Particulier Montmartre




Photos: IMBD…Over the top? what! The matrix is ott too and nodoby goes on about it that much!

Ayer fui a ver Sex and the city 2. Esta pelicula parece dividir al mundo en dos! Los que la critican y la llaman estupida y fuera de la realidad..( parece que se la toman muy enserio!!)

Y los del otro grupo que como yo se la toman como viene, se divierten viendo una historia de hadas del siglo XXI, donde el vestido de tul rosa es el ultimo modelito Chanel, y la varita ha sido reemplazada por una birkin.. solo eso!

La peli es super divertida y aunque como you te vistas a diario con lo mas aburrido que exista en el planeta… te ayuda a recordar que la reina interior  sigue viva!

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